Got Questions About Flossing When You Have Braces? Here Are Your Answers

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Having questions about flossing when you have braces can be quite detrimental to your smile, oral health and orthodontic journey. This is because it can lead to improperly caring for your teeth, gums and appliance, which can result in one or more dental and orthodontic issues. So, our orthodontist, Dr. Duane Taylor, encourages you to find the answers to your questions. To help you get started, he is happy to provide the answers to the following commonly asked questions:

Question No. 1: How often should I floss?
Answer: It’s very important to floss at least once a day. VERY IMPORTANT. It doesn’t matter when you floss. As long as you floss daily, you’re on the right track. If you can floss more, do it.

Question No. 2: Why should I floss?
Answer: Flossing can help you prevent dental issues and keep your smile and appliance in tip-top shape. This is because it removes harmful substances from the mouth regularly. Flossing can also help you avoid moments when you have food stuck in your smile. This can be beneficial when you’re socializing.

Question No. 3: Are there tools available that make flossing easier?
Answer: There are many tools that can make flossing easier when you have braces. Some of those tools include floss threaders and water flossers. Use them if you feel it’s necessary!

To learn more about flossing when you have braces in Dallas, Texas, please contact Affordable Dentistry and Orthodontics when you have the chance. All you need to do is dial 214-330-7771 and our orthodontic team will be happy to give you the answers, tips and information you’re looking for!